WRTG 211

WRTG 212: Writing & the Humanities

Course Catalog Description: An introduction to what writing does within the humanities, with a focus on the disciplinary questions, techniques, and reasoning that shape the genres and writing practices in the field. In addition, the course concentrates on how its participants can build mastery in both academic and public rhetorical situations.

Course Specific Learning Outcomes

– Reading: Students will be able to interpret texts and data by applying theoretical frameworks from the humanities.
– Writing: Students will be able to demonstrate consistent use of a broad range of conventions and genres that conform to the goals of writing in the humanities.
– Thinking: Students will be able to frame an issue to an established audience, engage divergent perspectives on that issue, and contribute to an ongoing conversation in the humanities.
– Community Mindedness: Students will develop knowledge, skills, and values that contribute to their roles within their communities.
– Instructor Specific Outcome: Each instructor should designate an outcome specific to their own course.