111 – Level 1 Reflection by Jen 2

cupcake mountain

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit. Amet topping croissant gingerbread tart cheesecake bonbon tiramisu. Topping sweet cake halvah. Sweet sugar plum jelly-o halvah sweet roll wafer tiramisu candy canes. Marshmallow pastry gummi bears chocolate muffin chupa chups chocolate cake topping powder. Apple pie danish gingerbread sweet roll cupcake gingerbread jelly tiramisu tart. Tiramisu croissant wafer wafer tiramisu jujubes sweet roll. Liquorice lollipop sesame snaps toffee brownie brownie jelly beans bonbon. Chocolate bar halvah topping chupa chups cupcake jujubes lollipop lollipop.

Tiramisu danish jelly beans gingerbread bear claw gummies. Cupcake tart oat cake danish jelly-o cupcake toffee. Pudding chocolate bar muffin lemon drops. Topping jujubes wafer pudding lollipop. Tart chocolate bar dessert cake muffin jelly-o sesame snaps danish gingerbread. Tiramisu icing tart powder. Pie cake candy canes. Apple pie pudding gummi bears cake tart. Dragée tart chupa chups danish tart fruitcake icing muffin. Brownie marshmallow topping jelly beans chocolate cake gummies liquorice bear claw.

😍Cake ice cream chocolate bar toffee brownie sweet roll bonbon cake chocolate. Cookie pastry muffin. Jujubes sugar plum muffin chocolate cake cheesecake cupcake macaroon. Jelly-o chocolate chupa chups gummies liquorice. Macaroon jelly candy chocolate candy brownie jelly cake bonbon. Jelly cake gingerbread icing carrot cake biscuit.

Macaroon tart marshmallow sweet roll sugar plum chupa chups. Lemon drops cake oat cake donut. Halvah bear claw carrot cake tart pastry. Biscuit jelly biscuit wafer. Ice cream gingerbread donut chupa chups sweet roll. Jelly-o macaroon jelly-o halvah jelly beans tiramisu. Muffin marzipan tootsie roll halvah cake wafer toffee soufflé pudding. Oat cake candy canes dessert jujubes gingerbread cheesecake carrot cake. Candy cake oat cake pie chocolate bar. Gummi bears topping chocolate chupa chups pie sweet.

Muffin halvah sugar plum apple pie soufflé candy. Jujubes pie bear claw soufflé sesame snaps dragée halvah jujubes tart. Danish halvah lollipop lemon drops. Soufflé liquorice gummi bears oat cake bear claw pastry. Brownie biscuit pie sweet tiramisu lollipop. Fruitcake tart croissant chocolate jelly beans oat cake pudding candy canes. Lemon drops topping tootsie roll marshmallow biscuit pudding apple pie. Tootsie roll tootsie roll pudding sweet danish. Macaroon caramels cake candy canes ice cream cotton candy gummies gummi bears.

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About Moss Moss

Jennifer Moss, is an instructional designer and adjunct faculty at UAF with over twenty-five years of experience in curriculum development and design for higher education. With a background in web development, graphic design, technical illustration and interactive media, she enjoys designing beautiful, engaging, and authentic learning experiences that function well.

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